Hot Stage
Hot stage series specially made to control samples temperature in a range between room temperature and 600°C. Two main lines are available: one for optical bench and the other for optical microscope. Although they have been designed for applications in the liquid crystals and electro-optics fields, these Hot-Stages are suited to be used in all other different fields of science and technology:
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Medicine
- Engineering
The control accuracy, the simple use, the compact size and the several available options will allow you to solve any trouble in controlling the temperature in your experiment.
PID digitale control
PT100 sensor
Sample holder system
Resolution 0,1 °C
Temperature precision (@100°C) less than ±0,30%
Temperature fluctuation (@100°C) less than ±0,15% RMS
Internal dimensions: 47mm x h 7,0 mm
External dimension: 110 mm x h 26 mm
Compact external dimensions allows an easy use for every applications.
A set of options gives to the user the possibility to customize these items to match all own needs.
It is possible the customization of all items according to users requests.

Hot Stage designed to work on optical benches.
Different versions with different temperature range are available: FB150, FB250, FB350
This Hot-Stage, with his high aperture (± 45°),is perfect for scattering and non linear optics experiments, but you will appreciate his features in any other field as well.
Adopting the Slim option allows to reach an aperture of ± 65°.
The Decentrate windows option make possible to reach an impinging angle greater than 75°.
Hot stage designed for optical microscope.
The thick PTFE insulating layer guarantees a low heat exchange with the environment, allowing at the same time low inner temperature gradients and avoiding potentially dangerous outer surface heating.
Maximum front length (from the upper external surface to the hot chamber bottom): 10 mm (this value reduces to 7 mm with the slim option).
Minimum front length: 3 mm.
Minimum condenser lens length (from the lower external surface to the hot chamber bottom): 11 mm.
Available in different versions with different temperature range (150 °C and up to 250 °C).

- XY option – two dimensional inner movement (xy)
- MX option – one dimensional inner movement (x)
- MY option – one dimensional inner movement (y)
- PE option – conductive pin to apply external fields to the sample.
- FC option – Gas fluxing into the hot-chamber.
- SL option – Thikness reduction (in 4mm, out 19mm)
- I3 option – 3 cables PT100 sensor
- RO option – rotating flange (allows the rotation of the hot-stage)
- E3 option – temperature external probe.

Xray spectrometer version

Hight temperature Hot Plate (maximum 600 °C) for microscope

FB Series. Slim Version for optical bench

For Xray diffractometry. Capillary thermostat (maximum 600°C) with the possibility of applying a magnetic field to the sample.
3 cables PT100 Sensor
Conductive pin to apply external fields to the sample
Internal dimensions 47,0 mm – h 7,0 mm (warm chamber)
External dimensions: 120 mm – h 25,5 mm
Sample older system
PID Digital Controller
Dual Display: 2×4 digit LED display
Auto-tune function

Tune at set point function
XY option – two dimensional inner movement (xy)